Festi'Tour :
Islands of resiliciency in an ocean of non-durability.
Bags are almost ready, bikes have been serviced and the train waits still at the platform. Alice the Lot were she was born with one of the participants. Rémi, Elie and Marina will take the train from Toulouse. Or not. They didn't anticipate Marina's gracious flight over the handelbars of her bike, just 15 minutes before the train left. 20m from home, 300m from the station, talk about bad luck !
The fall takes a heavy toll: a bent derailleur and useless bike. Emergency call to the other, luckier Toulousains et to the organizers of the FestiTour: game is still on! Auch boastsa bicycle repair workshop Auch : they'll provide one to Marina, currently limping to Toulouse train station to catch the next train.
The group will leave without her, but she will meet them for lunch at the first step of the Gersois trip, to the Herbe à l'Aise.
" 135 km of happiness, encounters, sweatiness, downhill runs, that is to say : adventure! "
© 2015 by An Oasis In The Crisis.