La Menuiserie :
An authentic life story

Meeting with Jeanne at "La Menuiserie" which is a place haunted by weird chimera, and where art can be talk in such different ways but still can be understood.
The artists whose works you can see at the exhibit boast a unique artistic language.
According to Jeanne, this personal expression is a guaranty for the work to be universal, it's what attracts a wide range of people who can relate to the piece. Showcased artists aren't looking for fame or recognition, or to meet the expections of the Art business so they can make a living out of it. They express their intimate feelings in their own way, what they want to highlight or say, and that's where the beauty lies in their Art, in its uniqueness and accessibility.
The Menuiserie is a place where people aren't judged. The artists and their public can meet in an intimate way. The Menuiserie is a horizontal space. There is no gap between the scenic space and the public. Which could be considered as a detail, but this transparency is crucial, since the way the place is organized widely impacts the nature of the interactions taking place here.
© 2015 by An Oasis In The Crisis.